These are general instructions for liposuction with fat transfer to the buttocks. You will have also received more specific instructions for other procedures that may have been performed at the same surgery. Please review those instructions as well for more specific details.
Please provide yourself with an opportunity to heal well. Decrease activity to avoid unnecessary elevations in blood pressure which may cause bleeding. Get good rest but avoid “bed rest” by actively walking about the house a few times a day, each and every day, to help avoid blood clots. You are also encouraged to lift your toes towards your head throughout the day while lying or reclining. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or non-carbonated drinks. Consider putting old sheets or towels on your bed and/or chair as it is common for incisions to occasionally leak.
Give us a call at (203) 924-2900
Read and follow all package inserts, warnings and instructions for any medications or products you use. Narcotic medications such as Percocet, Vicodin or Tylenol with codeine can cause constipation and you should consider taking an over counter stool softener at the same time. You may take over the counter pain relievers instead of the narcotics if preferred. Do not take products containing aspirin. DO not take any additional Tylenol as the pain pills prescribed often contain Tylenol as well. If you are nauseated any time after the first day of your surgery it may be due to the narcotics. Please call the office to discuss your symptoms and possibly receive a different pain reliever.
Avoid direct pressure on the buttocks whenever possible. If you have to sit, lean forward which places most of the pressure on the back of the thighs not the buttock. You may use a folded pillow and place it under your thighs to further help reduce pressure on the buttocks. When lying down rest on your sides or stomach. If you have also had breast surgery lay on your side; if you have had an abdominoplasty lay on your side with your knees bent comfortably towards your chest.
Wound Care
The incisions for the liposuction and fat transfer to the buttock are closed with sutures and glue. No dressings are needed but gauze may be added if the incisions leak which is normal. Some incisions might have white tape on them. These tapes may stay in place until they fall off and need not be replaced.
Abdominal binder
The binder is placed to add pressure to the low back and/or the abdominal wall after liposuction. It should be snug but not tight and you may remove it for a few minutes at a time for comfort. It may be washed and dried. You will leave the hospital with cotton under the binder which is for comfort only. You may remove any soiled cotton and reuse. Once all the cotton has been used you can wear the binder directly on your skin or over a thin T-shirt. Wear the binder for three weeks.</p
Any garments used on other body areas treated with liposuction should be continued for three weeks.
You may shower after 48 hours. Remove the binder and cotton, any Band Aids or gauze and briefly shower as all incisions and drains (if present) may get wet. Continue using the binder after showering. You only need to replace any Band Aids that may have been placed on the belly button or over the drain exit sites if you have also had an abdominoplasty (please see Abdominoplasty instructions). No baths or swimming until advised by Dr. Reilly.
Follow-up appointment
If you do not have a follow—up appointment please call the office to be seen in 2 weeks.
Please call 911 if you have any shortness of breath or difficulty breathing or for any reason that causes you great concern regarding your medical condition.
Please call the office or Dr. Reilly’s cell phone (203 209 6834) if you have any of the following: nausea or vomiting, inability to pass your usual amount of urine, temperature (verified by thermometer) greater than 101.0 F, shaking chills or any concerns regarding changes in your health status.