(If you have had additional procedures please refer to those for more detail)
Things to have prior to your surgery:
- A tube of over the counter antibiotic ointment (e.g., Neosporin, Bacitracin or store brand triple antibiotic ointment)
- An over the counter stool softener.
- Your favorite non-carbonated beverage.
- Old sheets/blankets on the bed and pillow
Give us a call at (203) 924-2900
What to Expect
There will be swelling in the areas of surgery as well as bruising. Bruising may extend to the collar bone. The facial muscles may not function evenly or completing for a time after surgery but should return to normal. Discomfort may increase during the first few days after surgery and then should begin to decrease.
It is best to rest and sleep with pillows under the head and neck to help improve and reduce facial sweIIing. You must avoid bending, lifting or straining or anything else that might increase the blood pressure in the face and head.
Your head will have a Velcro garment applied at the completion of your surgery. This will remain in place until the first dressing change in the office within a few days following your surgery. It should remain dry and kept in place.
During your first postoperative visit, you will be instructed on wound care as needed.
One drain is usually placed beneath the skin during your surgery to draw any extra fluid from the surgical site into a collection container that can then be emptied and its amount recorded. The hospital nursing staff will explain how they work and how to take care of them prior to your leaving the hospital. They are removed in the office usually during your first postoperative visit. Removal of the drain is not considered painful. The drains may have clear, bloody or no drainage. All these conditions are acceptable. If yOu find the drain is filling quickly please call the office. IMPORTANT: After emptying the drain & fluid continue squeezing it while replacing the top to the container. The container should appear dimpled on the sides!
Showering will be discussed during your first postoperative visit. You may sponge bath if you like until that time, keeping the dressings dry at all times.
It is very important to stay fully hydrated during the postoperative period. It is best to drink water or dilute non-carbonated beverages and ensure that you are urinating at least a few times per day. You can resume solid food when you feel ready. Do not eat anything if you are nauseated. Please call the office if you are.
Read and follow all package inserts, warnings and instructions for any medications or products you use. Any pain medication prescribed can cause constipation and you should consider taking an over-the- counter stool softener at the same time. You may take over-the-counter pain relievers instead of narcotics. Oo not take aspirin containing products which will cause increased bleeding or anv additional Tylenol as many narcotic medications alreadY contain Tylenol. Do not use ice or a heating pad. If you are nauseated or vomiting after your surgery it is often related to narcotic.
Call Dr Reilly if you have nausea or vomiting after surgery!
You are recovering from surgery! Activity should be minimal but slowly increase as the recovery period progresses. You may walk slowly up and down stairs as needed. Bed rest is NOT required and walking throughout the house a few times each day is required and may help reduce blood clots from forming. Remember to stay hydrated!
Chances in your condition
If there is any concerning, worsening or significant change to your condition you should call 911. You should not delay seeking emergency medical help by leaving a phone message for Dr. Reilly or by texting. Dr. Reilly’s cell phone is 203 209 6834 for any routine questions.