If you’ve had additional procedures done, please read those detailed instructions as well.
Things to have prior to your surgery:
- Antibiotic ointment. (e.g.. Neosporin. Bacitracin or, store brand)
- ‘Non-stick” gauze pads.
- An over the counter stool softener.
- Band-Aids.
- Your favorite non-carbonated beverage.
Give us a call at (203) 924-2900
please read and follow all package inserts, warnings and instructions lot any medications or products you use. Narcotic medication, such as Percocet, Vicodin or, Tylenol with codeine can cause constipation and you should consider taking an over the counter stool softener at the same time. These medications already contain Tylenol so do not take any Tylenol. You may take lbuprofen (Advil or Motrin) if desired, or instead of the narcotics. Do not take any Aspirin containing products.
Sleep any way that is comfortable but avoid direct pressure on the breasts for a minimum of 4 weeks.
A bra has been placed on the breasts with gauze pads covering the incisions. Continue to wear a sports bra until seen by Dr. Reilly. You may wash and dry the bra given to you at the hospital. If you choose to wear your own sports bra, make sure it is not too tight under the breasts. If it is. you may choosc to cut the band along the sides of the bra to reduce the pressure on the lower incisions. Avoid underwire bras for 4 weeks.
You may begin showering 48 hours after surgery. Remove the bra and any gauze pads. Carefully shower and continue wearing a bra. The gauze pads do not need to be replaced. The tapes that are covering the incisions may get wet and will fall off on their own.</p
White or brown tapes have been glued to the breast incisions. They will fall off on their own in a l’ew weeks and do not need to be replaced.
Please Minimize your activity following surgery and slowly increase it over the next few weeks. The procedure does not require bed rest! You should be up and walking at least a few times per day (minimum) including the day of your surgery.
It is very important to stay fully hydrated during the post-operative period. It is best to drink water or dilute non-carbonated beverages the remainder of the day following surgery. Ensure that you are urination a few times per day. You can resume solid food when you feel
Follow up appointment
If you do not have a follow up appointment, please call the office to be seen in 2 weeks.
Chances in your condition
If you have any minor concerns, please call the office during office hours from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. If there is a significant or concerning change to your condition, you should immediately call 911 or proceed directly to a hospital emergency