Patients who are interested in getting rid of stubborn fat are encouraged to learn about the difference between in-office lipo and traditional lipo. There are a number of key differences between these two options. For details about in-office lipo vs. traditional in New Haven, patients can contact John Reilly, M.D.

What Is In-Office Lipo?

In-office lipo is a procedure that can be done in the office rather than in a hospital room. This saves on a number of hospital fees, making the procedure less expensive.

In-office lipo involves removal of a smaller amount of fat and is more about targeting specific spots on the body with high precision. It’s only minimally invasive, to the point where patients can even be awake during the procedure, meaning no sedation will be required. They will still be under local anesthesia to prevent pain and minimize discomfort.

What Is Traditional Lipo?

Traditional lipo is performed in a hospital setting. It can get rid of a larger amount of fat than in-office liposuction. It may be performed under general anesthesia, depending on the volume of fat being removed. In these cases, the risk of side effects increases and recovery time is a bit longer.

Good Candidates

Those who want to get rid of higher volumes of stubborn fat are excellent candidates for traditional lipo, whereas patients who want to reduce smaller volumes are better served by in-office lipo.

Generally, patients who are unhappy with the results of diet and exercise are good candidates for liposuction. Patients must be in good health and must be at or near their ideal weight. Non-smokers are preferred, since smoking can result in complications during surgery and recovery.

Your Consultation

Patients will learn about whether in-office lipo or traditional lipo best suits their needs during a consultation. A physical examination will be performed, and patients will be asked questions about their medical history, aesthetic goals, and lifestyle. The answers will help to determine which option is best for their liposuction procedure.

Dr. Reilly will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option in great detail. Patients will also be able to ask questions and bring up any concerns that they may have.

The Process

During liposuction, small incisions will be made in the target areas. A tool called a cannula will be inserted, which will suction the fat out of the targeted area. Once the procedure is complete, the cannula will be removed.

Following liposuction, there will be bruising, swelling, and minor discomfort. Patients will be advised to avoid any kind of strenuous activities during recovery.

How Much Do In-Office Lipo and Traditional Lipo Cost?

The cost of an in-office lipo procedure is typically much lower than that of a traditional lipo procedure. Exact price will depend on factors such as the number of spots that will be targeted, the amount of fat to be removed, and the type of anesthesia used.

Arrange Your Consultation

For more details about in-office lipo vs. traditional lipo in New Haven, patients can schedule a consultation with John Reilly, M.D. Set up your consultation—contact us today.